Sunday, April 15, 2007

Civil War Accoutrements

During the Civil War, the first real repeating guns became freely available, and the so called ‘machine guns, or rapid fire guns were first used in battle. It is these new weapons that are the target for the collectors. Sabers, hand guns, muskets rifles and carbines are all in demand, and when that demand is unable to be met by the dwindling number of items that are not in museums, it is fulfilled by replicas that are indistinguishable from the originals.

Personal items such as belts, buckles, watches and the like, are also popular, though it is the weapons that most collectors look for. Those involved in reenactments have different priorities to collectors, since their first objective is to be as authentic as possible with respect to all aspects of uniform and accessories. Union and Confederate uniforms are much sought after and the accoutrements such as eating utensils, flasks and canteens, and hats, buttons and badges are popular, especially with the enactors.

Learn more about this fascinating time in history by visiting The Historical Weapons Store. There you will find more articles around Civil War Reenactments, as well as a variety of collectibles to commemorate this event, such as Union mess plates, Confederate cuff links CSA and Civil War pistols.

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