Friday, November 9, 2007

Renaissance Costumes for today's Lady in Waiting

How about a gorgeous emerald dress that would have been worn by a real ‘lady’ in these bygone times, or would you prefer the more earthy appeal of a peasant dress or skirt, or even a pure white Celtic chemise? There is a lot more to the Renaissance period than most imagine, and these were the days of Pirates of the Caribbean, including the famous female pirates. You can own a typical female pirate costume of the era to show off at your next themed barbecue.

Or how about a beautiful ladies fleur-de-lis gown in navy and gold as would have been worn at the French court? Would you prefer something for a man, such as peasant’s breeches or the cross gartered longer trousers as worn by a higher class villein? These were the days of distinction, not only between classes of nobles, but also between classes of peasants. The peasants themselves, all over Europe, were of different classes and these were distinguished largely by the type of clothing they wore.

The owner at The Historical Weapons Store can provide you with some very exciting options in medieval and Renaissance style dress - where you will find not only historical dress but also weapons and other artifacts. Purchase Renaissance costumes and find out key festival dates near you.

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