Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An Introduction to The Viking History

Even though the Vikings left few accounts of themselves, the tales of their great feats, bloody conquests and heroic explorations has never died. These legends and images have been appropriated at different times and for different purposes.

The unification of Norway heralded the age of the Viking conquests. The year 800 is the traditional starting point for the age of the Vikings, and the age of the Viking ran from 800-1050 A.D. It has been debated by the scholars, what gave the Vikings such a good self-confidence that they had no problem to adapt to different styles of warfare or other fighting-styles that they met on their travels.

To the present day the appeal of Vikings is undiminished. They are everywhere in our popular culture — in music, film, television, advertising, sports, fashion and toys. And living history groups revive Viking culture by practicing their crafts and skills.

For more information on how you can get a hold of popular Viking collectibles, learn more about Viking History or The Dark Ages , visit The Historical Weapons

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